Catlin Gabel Middle School Programming Activity

By Kaz M, Ethan H, Harper D, and Nathan M

About the activity

Welcome to the Catlin Gable Middle School Programming activity.
Every day, we talk to each other. We ask our friends to help with a task. You are (or were) asked by your parents to do a chore, like making a bed. You then go do that chore. What you have just done is something called "Following instructions". This is how computers run, by following instructions. However, one thing that humans are good at doing are understanding each other, through speech and so on. Computers unfortunately aren't very good at that, and so a stricter form of communication is necessary. This is what we know as code. Code takes the form of many different languages, such as python, html, javascript, and so on. Forget about graphical programming languages. With this, we'll take it a step further, and give students an introduction to text-based languages like the ones listed above.
- Ethan H.